WebTorrent Desktop 0.20.0 - BT下載工具 影片下載中播放 影片投影到電視

WebTorrent Desktop

WebTorrent Desktop
BT下載工具 - WebTorrent Desktop,同時支援BT種子(*.torrent)及磁力連結(magnet)的下載,可以邊下載邊播放影片,不需要等待影片下載完畢再播放,支援全螢幕模式,可以將影片透過AirPlay、Chromecast、DLNA投影到電視播放,預設的檔案下載位置是電腦的「下載」資料夾。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:The WebTorrent Project
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client that allows you to paste a video/audio torrent or magnet link and start watching the content immediately, without having to wait for the entire download to complete.
To start streaming a video or audio torrent, simply paste (or drag and drop) the torrent or magnet link and wait for the streaming to start, which could take a minute or so based on available peers.
WebTorrent connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers. It can also stream videos to AirPlay, Chromecast, and DLNA.(SnapFiles)

[2016.05.10] 下載的速度很快,但下載時未能挑選要下載的檔案,邊下載邊看的功能好像只支援部份檔案(如:*.webm),投影到電視的功能有在LG電視成功利用DLNA投放,但影片會斷斷續續或中斷,期待未來的新版改良。

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