AppServ 8.6.0 - PHP架站軟體包


來自於泰國的元老級PHP架站組合包 - ,作者把PHP架站會用到的相關軟體,包括網站伺服器、資料庫跟一些工具打包在一起,只要安裝了此軟體,就等於是安裝好了Apache、PHP、MySQL、phpMyAdmin等免費架站所需工具,不需要太多的額外設定,簡化了繁雜的架站軟體安裝及設定工作。(阿榮)(下載

AppServ : Apache + PHP + MySQL. Simple package for programming. AppServ is FREE for everyone in this world.
- Quickly and easy to install Apache, PHP, MySQL.
- Don't need any skill for setting up step by step.
- Can turn your PC to Web Server and Database Server.

※注意:若沒特殊需求(PHP v6)請一律下載內建PHP v5的v2.5,才不會出現問題!

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