TypeFaster 0.4.2 免安裝版 - 適合初學者的英文打字練習軟體


適合初學者的英文打字練習軟體 - TypeFaster,內建的課程比較簡單,軟體左上角下拉選單可以選擇課程(Lesson),只要照著顯示的字母開始打字,程式就會自動開始計時,打錯字時會發出錯誤音,並且可以倒退修改,打完某個課程之後,會自動統計正確率、每分鐘字數等資訊,可以放大(Increase font size)或縮小課程的字體,也可以開啟遊戲模式(Play game)輕鬆一下!()()

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

TypeFaster free typing tutor teaches you how to touch-type. Once you can touch-type you will not need to look at the keyboard to find the letters you want to type. The program comes in three versions: Standard, Accessible and Spanish. Use the menu on the left to navigate to the version you are interested in.

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