Droid4X 海馬玩模擬器 0.11.0 - 免費安卓模擬器 Android Simulator 類似 BlueStacks與Genymotion

Droid4X 海馬玩模擬器

免費安卓模擬器(Android Simulator) - Droid4X 海馬玩模擬器,將APK檔拖放到軟體主介面就可以安裝任何手機版程式,不僅簡單易用,在效能表現上也優於同類型軟體(如:BlueStacks、Genymotion),還可以用鍵盤取代滑鼠,用鍵盤A、D、W、S鍵控制方向,讓在電腦上玩手機遊戲變得很方便!另外還有全螢幕模式、螢幕擷圖、錄影、手機控制...等功能。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Droid4x is the best Android simulator ever, which leads in aspects of performance, user experience, compatibility and gaming controllability. Making millions of mobile games and apps as desktop experience.
*Performance - We have achieved breakthrough Achievement in the Android kernel and graphics rendering, in the same PC hardware configuration, the overall performance than other similar products more than 50% *.
*Compatibility - We perfectly solved problems in ARM application which running in x86 framework, Compatible applications and games available more than 99%.
*Controllability - Droid4x is the first multi-touch supported simulator in the world, on Droid4x, gaming control experience is far more than on phone.

[2015.08.01] 此軟體經「」測試支援Windows 10,未來還可以安裝在蘋果手機上,讓IOS也可以玩Android遊戲。
[2015.08.01] 因為有讀者推薦「」這個版本比較好用,因此增列載點。

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