Quick ‘n Easy FTP Server Lite 3.2 免安裝版 - 免安裝的檔案伺服器

Quick ‘n Easy FTP Server Lite

免安裝的檔案伺服器 - Quick ‘n Easy FTP Server Lite,它的付費版是獲獎的FTP Server,有簡單的操作介面及設定精靈,特別適合初學者使用,設定檔都儲存於XML檔,因此可以儲存於隨身碟,即時的伺服器記錄,清楚的把每個事件都寫在單個檔案裡,但可惜只支援中英文路徑跟檔名。()(推薦)()

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/NT/98/2003(32及64位元)

Quick 'n Easy FTP Server Lite is a special version of award winning FTP server, specially created for beginners who do not need all the advanced features of the professional version.
- Simple, intuitive and cool looking user interface, with several pages for managing the users, configuration and security.
- Easy to setup using the build-in FTP Server Setup Wizard.
- Add new user accounts with the User Account Wizard.
- Support for systems that are a part of a network with a router and/or firewall.
- Configuration is saved in XML format.
- Realtime server trace, which displays every command and it’s reply on the screen.
- Everything can also be logged to a file.

關鍵字:QnEFTPServerLitePortable, Quick and Easy FTP Server, Quick n Easy FTP Server

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