DVDVideoSoft Free Studio 中文版 - 多媒體轉檔工具大全

DVDVideoSoft Free Studio

影音轉檔處理軟體綜合包 - DVDVideoSoft Free Studio,功能包含了:YouTube上傳下載轉檔、Facebook上傳、MP3及各種音樂轉檔、音樂轉Flash、音樂剪輯、YouTube轉MP3、影片轉MP3、音樂光碟燒錄、音樂光碟轉MP3(抓音軌)、一般光碟燒錄、3GP影片轉檔、影片剪輯、手機及Apple設備專用影片轉檔...等等。()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Free Studio is an all-in-one package bundling all free multimedia applications developed by DVDVideoSoft. Free Studio Manager has 8 sections for easy access to any application: YouTube programs; MP3 and Audio; CD, DVD and BD; DVD and Video; Photo and Images; Mobiles; Apple Devices; and 3D programs.

With this free software you can easily:
- convert video and audio files between different formats as well as iPod, PSP, iPhone, BlackBerry and all other popular mobile phones and devices;
- burn and rip DVDs and audio CDs;
- upload and download YouTube videos and music to your computer, iPod, PSP, iPhone or BlackBerry;
- perform basic editing of audio and video files;
- record videos and make snapshots;
- create 3D videos and images.

軟體使用教學影片(注意!安裝完畢後會產生名為Best Safe Browser的可疑瀏覽器捷徑,小紅傘會主動刪除其主程式。):

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 3.5 SP1」才可以執行此程式!

下載連結→ [按此下載安裝版]


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