PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK 7.0.325.1 - 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK - Allows developers the ability to view/print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. The Editor Simple SDK provides the developer with a set of functions to create a means to View/Print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. Both the GUI design and means of employing the provided functionality is very much left in the developer's hands and no Tracker branding is visible within the Developer's product. And is also included in the PDF-XChange Editor SDK and Core API SDK.()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Editor Simple SDK features:
- The ability to view existing PDF files
- The ability to print exisiting PDF files
Embedded within a Windows based application of your making.


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