PDF-XChange Core API SDK 7.0.325.1 - 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Core API SDK

Provides developers with libraries and API for the creation and manipulation of fully native, Adobe®-compatible PDF files including Programmatic Digital Signing and Adobe Compatible Fillable Forms creation. Also included in the PDF-XChange Editor SDK and PDF-XChange Pro SDK.()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Core API SDK provides developers re-engineered advanced libraries and API for the creation and manipulation of fully native, Adobe® Compatible PDF files. The Core API SDK does not include our print drivers this is available in the PDF-XChange PRO SDK or the PDF-XChange Drivers API. The Core API SDK can convert directly from any of the supported Image format files (BMP, DCX, GIF, JBIG, JBIG2, JPEG, JNG, PCX, PNG, TIFF & AMF/WMF/EMF - please check the docs for latest list) to PDF format and you can extract images to Image formats. Merge existing files or Extract pages to create new files, create Thumbnails, Bookmarks and retrieve page count and File properties from these PDF files. The Core API includes programmatic digital signing of documents and Adobe® Compatible fillable forms.

Need OCR? - this is available in the complete PDF-XChange PRO SDK

*Each PDF-XChange Core API SDK License includes 100,000 end user installations royalty-free.


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