AutoHotkey 免安裝版 - 取代按鍵精靈的免費自由軟體


可以用快速鍵自動控制滑鼠及鍵盤的軟體 - AutoHotkey,使用C++撰寫的自由軟體,它沒有華麗的軟體介面,腳本的副檔名是AHK,但它其實是純文字檔,可以直接用記事本來編寫,使用之前你必須看懂使用說明,了解要開啟網站、執行程式、控制滑鼠、設定快速鍵...等等基礎指令,才能夠寫出你想要的腳本;另外,利用「Compiler」資料夾下的「Ahk2Exe.exe」可以將腳本轉換成EXE單一執行檔。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP
關鍵字:AutoHotkeyPortable, autohotkey

[2013.04.09] 如果英文程度夠好、程式語言的理解能力也不錯,可以使用這套免費的自由軟體取代按鍵精靈。

AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:
- Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or use the macro recorder.
- Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.
- Expand abbreviations as you type them. For example, typing "btw" can automatically produce "by the way".
- Create custom data-entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See GUI for details.
- Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.
- Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the WinLIRC client script.
- Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with new capabilities.
- Convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.


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