Nero Burning ROM 2018 19.0.00700 離線安裝中文版 - 老牌燒錄程式

Nero Burning ROM

老牌燒錄程式 - Nero Burning ROM,能夠將音樂光碟擷取為MP3、MP3 PRO、AAC、流行的FLAC、APE格式,可以將歌曲名稱和專輯資訊、專輯封面整合到檔案中,方便管理播放清單;可以複製或燒錄CD、DVD、藍光光碟,製作ISO映像檔,支援光碟加密技術,保護光碟內容不被讀取。 ()()()

系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:nero, Nero Burning ROM 2017

Nero Burning ROM - The elite of burning software! Set new standards with the proven burning technology of Nero Burning ROM. Want to copy and import data and music and burn them to your preferred type of disc? Want to keep data safe and secure? Want to create discs with maximum reliability? No problem with the latest version of Nero Burning ROM, which uses SecurDisc 4.0 and much more to ensure the best results.


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